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Puttnam Scholars Session 1
Bath Spa Seminar 2
House of Commons, Westminster
Lord Puttnam will announce the winners and present awards for the Film the House competition!
Bath Spa Seminar 1
Dutch Galle Fort, Sri Lanka
Lord Puttnam deliver a speech entitled 'Climate Change - a View from the Future".
Remote Address to Pinewood Studios
Lord Puttnam will welcome 2018 cohort of students at the start of International Film Production Course.
Lord Puttnam will speak at the Film Distributors' Assocation Christmas Reception
Kosmos IMAX cinema, Tallinn, Estonia
Lord Puttnam will reflect on the state of European audiovisual industries at Pictured Futures: Connecting content, tech & policy in audiovisual Europe, an Estonian Presidency of the EU Council Conference.
Old Library, Cambridge
Lord Puttnam will deliver a lecture titled 'You May Have Seen Nothin’ yet' to students, postgraduates and fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge.
Hilton, Vienna
Lord Puttnam will talk about his own experience with problem-solving at this ECIS community event.
Imperial War Museum
Lord Puttnam will deliver a message at the award ceremony for the IWM's Short Film Festival!
Lord Puttnam will deliver the opening address at this new problem-solving event for the ECIS community.